Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is a day to stop and remember not only the victims and their families, but also the atrocities that occurred and how to keep that from happening again. In an interesting and ironic coincidence a recent survey of Americans reveals that our favorite foreign country is now Germany.  Which, as you might remember, was the country we had to stop from destroying the world 65 years ago.

If this is an indicator of the future then just think, in 2075, your grand kids could be drinking at Iranfest or backpacking after college through North Korea.

In the survey, Americans said they share more values with Germany than any other non-English-speaking country, and ranked Germany as our second-most important ally just behind England.

55% of Americans overall have an "excellent" or "good" impression of Germany, up from 41% in 2009.

On the other end, a CNN poll found that we view IRAN as the biggest threat to the U.S., just ahead of North Korea.  Syria finished as the third-biggest threat.

And, in another sign of just how much international politics can swing over a few decades, the majority of Americans said Russia is not a threat to the U.S. at all.

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