
The Weirdest Names
The Weirdest Names
The Weirdest Names
I have 4 kids so I know very well how hard it is to name one of them. There are all these crazy, unwritten rules. You can't use a name that someone in the family has already used
$35,000 To Name Your Baby
$35,000 To Name Your Baby
$35,000 To Name Your Baby
There are quite a few people in this world who will spend money on the dumbest things just because they can. Other people only spend money when they can. Then there are people who will spend money because they can't think of a name for their children. For real.
Most Popular Baby Names
Most Popular Baby Names
Most Popular Baby Names
When parents are expecting a child - part of the pregnancy time is spend picking out a name. Usually the couple tries to come up with something original, a family name, or a name they have wanted to use since they were little
10 Weirdest Names Ever
10 Weirdest Names Ever
10 Weirdest Names Ever
My grandma and grandpa are named Orpha and Zaner. As a kid (and honestly to this day a bit) I thought those were some weird names for anybody to have! But history has proved me wrong because this list of weird names goes far beyond the weirdest in my family tree, and I even have a sister name Robin Bird.
11 Names That Have Been Ruined By Songs
11 Names That Have Been Ruined By Songs
11 Names That Have Been Ruined By Songs
I am pretty lucky with my name since there aren't many songs that sing about any "Nathan". My last name on the other hand is always good for a rendition of Surfin' Bird! Is there a song that people sing or mention when they hear your name?
How Unique Is Your Name
36.  That's how many Nathan Bird's there are in the United States.  One of them is my son - which means that my chances of my identity getting confused with a serial killer in Maine are pretty slim...I hope.