
Would You Punch Your Boss?
Would You Punch Your Boss?
Would You Punch Your Boss?
Generally punching people in the face is frowned upon... but the thought has probably gone through your head at least once. The question today is simple. If there were no consequence of retaliation upon you would you punch your boss in the face?
Watch Daniel Tosh Get Punched in the Face By Manny Pacquiao [VIDEO]
Watch Daniel Tosh Get Punched in the Face By Manny Pacquiao [VIDEO]
Watch Daniel Tosh Get Punched in the Face By Manny Pacquiao [VIDEO]
Did you know that Daniel Tosh, not Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, is actually the highest-rated host on Comedy Central? Well, it's true. And perhaps the reason 'Tosh.0' is so successful is because the controversial comedian is willing to do things that more traditional TV hosts would never dare dream.