My latest conspiracy theory:  Environmentalists are behind both the beef hacking and the Colonial Pipeline threat.  We learned over the weekend that a massive North American beef processor was brought to its knees by hackers.  Already high prices for beef will be going even higher.   JBS USA supplies beef to more than a quarter million customers!

The Colonial Pipeline was back in service after the company reportedly paid millions of dollars in ransom.  It supplies a massive amount of the gasoline used along the east coast. 

Is there anything worse in the climate canon than petroleum?  Some claim cattle flatulence is an even bigger threat to our global future.

What are some of the things environmentalists detest?  One is what they refer to as fossil fuels.  Oil being on that list and blamed for much of man-made climate change.  Want to convince people solar and wind are better bets?  Portray the pipeline method and oil as unreliable.

Is there anything worse in the climate canon than petroleum?  Some claim cattle flatulence is an even bigger threat to our global future.  Just a few days ago I wrote about efforts to limit beef consumption.  In turn it limits beef production.  In turn it limits methane emissions from cattle.

We’ve got two large industries and both have targets affixed.

News media has been focused on Russian involvement with the hackers.  Still, there’s no smoking gun when it comes to evidence of a Kremlin connection.  We’ve been here before.  We were told Donald Trump colluded with Russia.  It turned out the story was a piece of fiction from the start.  The dirty dossier was essentially created out of whole cloth.

Let’s take Russia out of the conspiracy theories.  Then we could look in other corners.  I believe my theory is no less plausible than the continued focus on a foreign power.


Here are 50 of your favorite retail chains that no longer exist.


Here are 50 of your favorite retail chains that no longer exist.





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