DEQ Seeks Candidates for Lake Walcott Group
RUPERT, Idaho – Magic Valley watersheds could use some help.
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality is seeking representatives from a number of industries to serve on the Lake Walcott Watershed Advisory Group. Members of the group will not only help Lake Walcott, but other waters in south-central Idaho.
The group, according to information from DEQ, is comprised of “a diverse set of interests dedicated to successfully restoring and protecting the health of the Lake Walcott, Goose Creek, and Raft River watersheds. These watersheds cover Cassia, Minidoka, Power, Lincoln, Butte, Blaine, Twin Falls, and Oneida counties, from which the WAG seeks to have diverse representation.”
Eleven seats are available, and the department says it is seeking candidates in a number of fields, including irrigated agriculture, dryland agriculture, rangeland, operator confined livestock, local county governments, food processors, recreation, environmental, electrical power generation, irrigation districts, canal companies, and flood and drainage districts.
Members of the watershed group meet quarterly and are asked to serve for at least two years. Member responsibilities include:
- Advise DEQ on the development of water quality improvement plans known as total maximum daily loads or TMDLs for streams, lakes, and rivers with degraded water quality conditions within the watershed;
- Help identify contributing pollution sources in the watershed;
- Recommend specific actions needed to effectively control sources of pollution to water bodies;
- Help develop and implement a plan to meet water quality targets identified in the TMDLs.
Interested? You have until 5 p.m. Oct. 29 to apply. Contact Sara Kaster at Sara.Kaster@deq.idaho.gov or (208) 736-2190.
Source: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
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