WATCH: Train Signal Malfunction Causes Traffic Mayhem After Twin Falls Storm
After a heavy storm in Twin Falls, we decided to go around town and drive through some flooded intersections. We didn't make it very far before the infamous train crossing got us. We actually only sat there about 8 minutes before help arrived...but those 8 minutes were insane! What would you have done in this situation?
In the video below you’ll see the domino effect of 1 person making a bad decision and influencing others to do the same. We had only been waiting a few minutes when the train went by and then another 60 seconds before people started driving around the train signal arms…on both sides. Both actions are illegal and for different reasons.
Is it Legal for Twin Falls Drivers to Bypass a Train Signal?
According to Idaho law, there are a few issues in the video above. First is that the cars that go around the railroad arms on the right (not on the road) are guilty of trespassing. We know you can’t even take pictures on railroad tracks because it’s private property. The second issue is more obvious: you can’t drive around the lowered railroad arms when the lights are flashing!
Specifically, Idaho statute 49-648 (2) states:
No person shall drive any vehicle through, around, or under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad crossing while the gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed.
The exception to the law can also be seen in the video if the impatient drivers had waited 3 more minutes when a representative from the railroad arrives to help traffic. In section 49-650 of the Idaho Statutes, it states:
If a flagman is provided by the railroad, movement over the crossing shall be under his direction.
These rules also apply to bikes (as seen in the video) and pedestrians.
RELATED STORY: It’s Illegal To Take Photos On Train Tracks
But, that being said, what would you do in this situation? It seemed like there was something wrong with the traffic signal and other people were going through, so would you go through too?