Emergency Evacuation Drill Held at School in Minidoka County
On August 30, an Emergency Evacuation Drill was held at East Minico. The Minidoka County School District Superintendent Kenneth Cox said all students from East were sent to Minico.
Cox said the drill was used as a precaution, as an East Minico student was threatened on social media on Thursday night. While the threat was personal and not against the school, Cox said the school was informed about the incident early Friday morning. By 8:30 a.m. students were returned from Minico to East.
Cox said police advised the school to keep students inside once the arrived at the school. Due to the incident, Cox said after being in contact with the Minidoka County Sheriff's Office and local law enforcement, the decision was made to have extra security at the district's schools today.
Cox said if you did choose to keep your kid at home, it will be considered an excused absence.
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