Fun And Family: Details About Twin Falls’ Christmas In The Nighttime Sky
Christmas in the Nighttime Sky returns on Black Friday. We couldn't be more excited about the event. If you plan on going and maybe you have never been before, here is everything you need to know about Christmas in the Nighttime Sky. It is an event you aren't going to want to miss.
Event Details
Christmas in the Nighttime Sky is on Friday, November 26th at Kimberly Nurseries located at 2862 Addison Avenue E. Park at Lighthouse Christian where buses will come pick people up and take them to the event. DO NOT park at D&B Supply because there is a chance you could get towed. The buses start running at 5:30 pm and fireworks will be around 7:30 pm
Please bring a toy
Entry into the event is a new, unopened, unwrapped toy. This event has helped collect thousands of toys for kids all over the Magic Valley.
Extra perks
There will be live music by Ellie Mae Millenkamp and Carson. There will also be baked potatoes and chili, bonfires, Santa will be walking around and talking with the kids and, of course, the fireworks display set to music.
A few things to consider
Masks are not required, if you would like to wear one please bring your own. Please no fighting. Do what makes you feel comfortable. There is a chance it is going to be cold, bring your own hand warmers, foot warmers, Chairs will be provided but if you would like to bring your own you are welcome to do so. If you would like to bring a small blanket to keep warm you can as well. Dress for the weather.

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