Government “Shutdown”: What Am I Missing?
I fear going outside during the government “shutdown”. What, with the food riots, lack of traffic lights and the satellites falling from the sky and crashing on South Washington Street.
Or we had no plans to go camping at a national park in January
Most of us are immune from the impact. For instance, we don’t know many people serving in military uniforms. Or we had no plans to go camping at a national park in January.
Sunday morning I was listening to a radio broadcast and the newscaster played a 23-year-old soundbite from then Speaker-of-the-House Newt Gingrich. The 1995 “shutdown” lasted three-weeks. I’ve no recollection of any impact. At the time I was covering house fires, murder trials and news conferences at the local health department about the latest hepatitis outbreak.
Clearly, there are people impacted in all of these. I’d like to hear your stories. I’m at