BOISE, Idaho (AP) — State lands officials are requesting more money for wildfire suppression and a better public records keeping system for fiscal year 2016.

Idaho Department of Lands Director Tom Schultz asked legislative budget writers Monday for $100,000 for the first phase of a system that will make it easier to fill public record requests. Overall, the department is seeking roughly a $3.7 million, or 8 percent, budget boost. Officials requested $17.5 million to cover the cost of fighting wildfires in 2013 — more than the two previous years combined, and more than double the 10-year average.

An additional $27.7 million will be required next year to fund wildfire suppression in 2014. He also requested $250,000 for a study on navigable waters, which is not included in Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter's budget.

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