Finding the right person to date can be hard. You have to find someone who physically meets your standards, someone you can talk with for hours, someone who has common interests, and there is fear of your friends and family accepting them as well. You may find someone who isn't the same race or from the same culture, or perhaps someone who is of the same gender, or maybe someone who is a decent amount older or younger than you. How are Californians handling dating someone with a huge age gap? Do you hide it or let it be known who you are dating?

Dating Age Gaps in California

Credit: Gus Moretta on Unsplash
Credit: Gus Moretta on Unsplash

A recent survey came out by that discusses dating and being in relationships with significant age gaps. According to the survey, 52 percent of people have been in a relationship or gone on a date with someone 5 years or older or younger than them. 59 percent of people said age matters in a relationship. Of those surveyed, 1 in 5 said they would be likely to hide their relationship if there was a big age gap, with 19 percent saying their friends and family would disapprove, and 61 percent saying an age gap would have a significant impact on the relationship. It isn't just age, but money as well, as 76 percent claimed that financial stability plays a factor in these types of relationships. 

Relationship with an Age Gap in California

Credit: Leon Seibert on Unsplash
Credit: Leon Seibert on Unsplash

While dating someone with an age gap is happening, the question is do people prefer someone older or younger? According to the survey, 93 percent of Americans prefer someone older, while 88 percent prefer someone younger. Depending on which generation you come from, will depend on the average age gap in the relationship when it comes to how much younger people prefer. When it comes to dating someone older, the average age range is between 7 to 8 years. When it comes to dating younger, 71 percent said that they like dating someone young because they are more adventurous and energetic. On the other side, 76 percent said having an older partner is nice because they are more mature. 

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Despite some being afraid to let others know about their relationship with some significantly older or younger, it is 2024 and society is less judgmental then it used to be. The days of race with race, culture with culture, and male with female, are long gone. Dating is personal, and it shouldn't matter who you love, as long as they make you happy. If you want to read the full survey, make sure to click on the link in the second paragraph above.

Stunning Images Of Super Blue Moon Over California

A super blue moon, the combination of a supermoon and a blue moon, is visible over parts of the U.S. According to NASA, we won't see another one until at least 2037.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

Warning: Amazon Safety Recalls On These Products Affects California

These items are sold on Amazon and all have recalls that could affect customers all over California. If you've purchased any of the below items, these are the next steps to take to secure your safety with these potentially dangerous items.

Gallery Credit: Joe Cunningham

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