The 5 Most Dangerous Ways to Wreck Your Car in the Magic Valley
There are far too many wrecks happening in the Magic Valley lately. It seems daily that there is another wreck in the news, and not only a crash but a fatal one at that. It is alarming that a community that is not overly populated is seeing so many wrecks, injuries, and deaths that could easily be prevented. While the drivers in the Magic Valley are the most at fault, some of the problems could be the roads, the landscape, and the way the area is designed. There are certain locations and similarities in many of the wrecks in the Magic Valley, and these are the most dangerous places and ways to wreck in the area.
Washington Street Wrecks
Washington Street is one of the more popular streets in Twin Falls, taking residents from the south side, all the way to the north side. South of Addison on Washington near 2nd Avenue, is where many wrecks occur. The intersection is confusing for some, and many become impatient and try to gun it through the intersection, but it doesn't always go as planned. More than the intersection, the side roads looking to turn onto Washington, have blind spots, and issues seeing oncoming traffic. Multiple wrecks have happened in this area, and it is one you must be on the lookout for at all times.
Train Crossing Wrecks
Crossing railroad tracks seems routine for most drivers, especially in the Magic Valley, but there are many crossings that do not have arms or lights, putting cars at risk. This is especially dangerous when out in the country and a cornfield can be blocking the track, or perhaps the track is at an odd angle, making it tough to see if a train is coming or not. It is smart to always stop, look both ways and then cross, even if it upsets drivers around you.
Country Road Intersections
One of the most common areas that wrecks occur in the Magic Valley is on country roads. Intersections can be dangerous as many do not have any stop signs, and even for the ones that do, too many drivers decide to ignore them. Drivers see that nobody is around, they are likely coasting a tad above the speed limit, and decide to go through an intersection without looking to see if someone is coming, or think they can get through without harm being done. Whatever the reason, make sure to be alert when approaching intersections on country roads, and always take the cautious route.
Blue Lake Crashes
The good news about wrecks on Blue Lakes is that they typically are not fatal, but there are many of them with it being the most traveled road in Twin Falls. Drivers often get impatient waiting to turn out of driveways, and will force their way onto the road despite it not being the best decision. It causes many fender benders and sideswipes. One of the other issues is many not paying attention, and with so many lights and cars turning, stops happen frequently. If not paying attention, then a wreck occurs.
Magic Valley Wrecks on Two-Lane Roads
One of the more common ways that fatality accidents happen is when drivers get impatient on two-lane country roads or aren't paying attention to the road. Texting and driving or drinking and driving causes cars to often swerve into oncoming traffic, causing head-on collisions. Another way that these occur is when drivers get tired of being behind a tractor, a truck, or a slow-moving vehicle and try to go around, without enough space, causing wrecks to occur, and putting everyone around them at risk. Take a breath, calm down, and take your time. It is better to arrive someplace late, instead of not at all.

As winter approaches, ice, snow, and more factors will cause wrecks, but being cautious, alert, and avoiding these areas are the best ways to stay safe on the road in the Magic Valley. Make good choices, don't drink and drive, don't text and drive, and pay attention to other drivers around you and be a defensive driver.
9 Deadliest Intersections In The Magic Valley
Gallery Credit: Credit Google Street
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