The Magic Valley Has An Animal Problem That Needs Solved
The Magic Valley is known to have plenty of animals roaming around. It isn't uncommon to spot deer, hawks, and the occasional moose. While all these animals are wild, there are other animals roaming the streets that should be someone's pet, but you never know if they have a home or not. There is a stray animal problem in the Magic Valley and it appears to be getting worse by the day, but what can be done to slow it down or stop it?
Stray Cats Taking Over Twin Falls
It's no secret that there are plenty of stray cats in the Magic Valley, with many calling Rock Creek Park home. While this has been a problem for years, it seems to be getting worse. Driving into work one morning, I spotted 6 cats in ditches roaming around the area. After arriving at work, there were four strays at the back door eating, and at my home, there are five that are coming around my house. This has all occurred over the last month or so. The population is on the rise, and something needs to be done.
Increasing Cat Population in Twin Falls
The cat population is continuing to grow, and it is becoming a problem in the Magic Valley. If cats aren't getting you at home or hanging out in the park, they are lying on the side of the road or are invading farms in the area. The good news is that this lowers the mouse population, but these poor creatures need homes. There is nobody to blame but the people of the Magic Valley, as they have abandoned their pets and left them on the streets to defend themselves. If you can't handle a pet, don't get one. The Twin Falls animal shelter doesn't have room for all these cats, and they get left out on the streets to fend for themselves.

People continue to feed these cats, which in certain situations is ok but can lead to problems down the line. My wife and I fed a stray that visited one night, and it has turned into multiple cats waiting for us each day. Stop feeding them and let nature take its course, or perhaps see if you can let one in and make it your new furry family member.