One of the many advantages I appreciate about living in a rural area is that, unlike large cities that only see a limited view of the night sky, we get to enjoy the vastness of the universe without the glare of city lights getting in the way.

In Idaho, it’s not unusual that we get to see a little more than expected, and sometimes we witness things that seem out of this world.

This video was sent to me by Cliff Hawley from Jerome, Idaho of lights that he and his family witnessed from their backyard in Jerome, Idaho at about 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 24, 2022.

Here, he explains the approximate position of the lights from his vantage point at his home on the Jerome side of the Snake River Canyon.

My son was the one who spotted it. When he called me, he had watch[ed] it for about 20 seconds and called me and yelled at his wife to come out. It was over Jerome moving east. My granddaughter tried to video it and I stepped out of my backyard which faces the canyon and I saw it. It moved way too slow to be an aircraft or Satellite. I watched it cross the canyon east of the bridge, looked like around Eden area - Cliff Hawley, Jerome ID

Mr. Hawley went on to say, that he watched the lights for about 15 minutes before they were no longer visible at about 10:45 p.m.

A possible explanation for the lights over Jerome and Twin Falls, Idaho

The similarity and patterns of the lights closely resemble that of similar footage taken of lights that are reported to be of the Starlink internet satellites from Elon Musk’s SpaceX program. The idea behind the program is to offer ‘high-speed, low-latency broadband internet in remote and rural locations across the globe.’ You can read more about it on Starlink’s website.

Similar lights have been spotted all over the world and right here in Idaho

Here’s some video that was captured in Idaho Falls

@teefo444 UFO!! Wow!! #ID #idahofalls ♬ X Files - TV Themes

And the same in Rexburg, Idaho

@queencella I was just chillin in the parking lot and saw this in the sky😳 like for a storytime #aliens #conspiracytiktok #extraterrestrial #idaho #ufo #ufosighting ♬ Stranger Things - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein

Will all these satellites ruin Idaho's view of the sky?

It’s my understanding that by the time the Starlink satellites reach peak orbit, they should no longer be visible to the naked eye, but it does make you wonder if our Idaho scenic night splendor might one day be obscured for the sake of accessible, fast internet.

Musk addressed this very question in a tweet a couple of years ago, stating that they would make sure Starlink 'has no material effect on discoveries in astronomy.'

Don’t forget to comment and let us know what you think

Whether the lights in these photos and video are Starlink satellites, some kind of unconfirmed aircraft, or something unexplainable, it's fair to say that we live in a state where unusual areal phenomena are often experienced and not always easy to explain. Feel free to comment and let us know what you think. And thanks to Mr. Hawley for taking the time to share his footage.

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