What would you do? What would you do if you were out having fun on a mountain or in the wilderness during the winter in Idaho, and found yourself lost and alone? Would you scream for help? Would you run and look for your group if you had one, despite not knowing which direction to go? How long would it take for panic to set in, or would you stay calm? Would you curl up in a ball and hope that someone comes and finds you while you sit there and cry? For anyone who takes off into the wilderness in Idaho, getting lost is a fear, but during the cold, harsh winter, it can be scarier, as each hour could put you closer to death. If you found yourself lost in the winter, what would you do?

Lost in Idaho During Winter

Credit: Jannik Schneider
Credit: Jannik Schneider

Getting lost in the wilderness in Idaho is never ideal, but if it happens in the winter, it seems like there is more fear and panic than during warmer months. The good news is that most, if not all bears are hibernating, making them less likely to be a threat, but the cold, the snow, and other threats can be as dangerous, if not more so. If you find yourself in this situation, with no phone service, how would you handle it? You can sit still, hoping someone will come to save you, but that is a risky plan, and so too is walking to what you hope is safety, because it could put you further from your destination if you are turned around. The priority is getting warm, but if in the mountains, there is likely snow, making starting a fire difficult, so what should you do? 

Teenager Gets Lost on Snowmobile Trip

Credit: Kaden Zenzen on Unsplash
Credit: Kaden Zenzen on Unsplash

Recently, a teenager in Idaho experienced this when she got lost one evening on a snowmobile trip. After her vehicle tipped over, she decided to walk back to the cabin her family was at but ended up getting lost. She discovered a locked cabin and found a way inside, started a small fire, found a blanket and food, and stayed warm enough until a search party found her nearly six hours later. While this young lady used her survival instincts and smarts to make it through this scary situation, not everyone will be lucky enough to find shelter the way she did. Do you try to find a cave? Do you keep walking? Do you go under a tree and do your best to build a shelter or fire for the evening, and hope in someway you can make it through the night? You can read more about her story, by clicking the link above. 

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So long as you stay within a group and don't wander off when hiking, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, skiing, or snowboarding, you should be safe this winter. If you do find yourself in a situation similar to that of the young lady mentioned above, have a plan in mind. Make sure to have a phone to at least be able to call for an emergency, and know that you will be in for a cold night. In these moments you find out how strong your survival instincts are. Myself, I would end up dying, as I would begin walking in what I hope is the right direction. I would either end up further in the woods or find civilization. If you were lost in Idaho during the winter, what would you do?

How To Tell If Someone Is New To Idaho

Acting like an Idahoan doesn't happen overnight for most people. Tourists and new residents can be easy to spot in Idaho.

Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

7 Things You Need To Be Ready For A Winter Storm

We can learn from previous winter storms to know exactly what we can do to be best prepared for snow and inclement weather. 

Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

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