What Would You Do? Is Loaning Money Worth it in the Magic Valley?
What would you do? What would you do if you were in a bind for money and had to ask a friend, coworker, or family member for a loan? Would you do it, knowing it could potentially strain a relationship? What if the role was reversed and you had a friend, a family member, or a coworker that needed some help, would you loan them the money? Is there a price that is your cut-off of how much you would loan? Would you give them a timeline to pay you back? Would you even ask for them to pay it back? Does the reasoning matter? These are all fair questions when it comes to money, which has ruined relationships and friendships before. If you needed financial help from someone or if someone asked you for financial help, what would you do?
Asking For a Loan in Twin Falls
Needing money is something nobody wants to have to deal with. It is embarrassing, it takes sucking up our pride, and it is never comfortable asking somebody for money. If it is only a few dollars, it isn't bad, and most friends and family members will help you out with no expectation to be paid back, but when it is asking for hundreds or thousands of dollars, then things get a little more uncomfortable. Depending on your situation, maybe your parents or a sibling can help you out, but asking a friend or a family member that expects you to pay them back, can make things awkward and strain a relationship. The longer it takes for you to pay them back, the tenser the relationship will become. GoFundMe pages are a great way to avoid this, but they may not help you get the amount that you need. Who would you ask if you need financial help and would it be worth the risk of straining the relationship?
Being Asked for Money in Twin Falls
To view it from the other side, if somebody needed money from you, what is your cutoff? Does it depend on who is asking? I have certain friends that I know would be good to pay me back, and others I would likely never see the money again. Does the reasoning behind the need matter? If they need it for medical reasons or an emergency, do you lean more towards helping, compared to needing it to pay the cable bill or to pay rent or mortgage? You can give them some money to help them out without giving the whole thing, but a loan could strain your relationship if they fail to pay you back. Depending on the friend, it might be worth it to pay them to end the relationship.

Money is a tricky thing and is something that many are sensitive about. Asking for help takes a lot of pride, but at certain times may be needed. If you ask for money, make sure to have a plan to pay them back. If you are asked for money, do the same, but give an amount you are comfortable never seeing again just in case. Money can divide relationships, but it isn't worth losing a friend over or causing tension in the family. Make sure everyone is on the same page before coming to terms and agreeing to exchange money. The next time you are in need financially or someone you know is, what would you do?