Get Your Rocks Off At Magic Valley Gem Show This Week In Filer
Rockhounds, gem collectors, and lovers of all things sparkling will be converging on the Twin Falls County Fairgrounds in Filer this weekend for the annual Magic Valley Gem Club Rock & Gem Show.
I live among collectors of gems. My wife's family owns some remarkable stones and rocks that they've been buying throughout southern Idaho for decades. I attended the Magic Valley Gem Club Rock & Gem Show a couple of years back and walked out with some magnificent stones.

I'm also a big fan of rockhounding, and there's no better place to take part in the hobby than Idaho, which has more semi-precious and precious stones hidden beneath the soil than any other state and most countries in the world. March 11-12,( this Saturday and Sunday) several Idaho vendors will be onsite at the fairgrounds in Filer displaying their impressive collections for sale.
The event hours will be 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. both days. The fairgrounds are located at 215 Filer Avenue, and volunteers are still needed for the show. To get information on how to help out Saturday or Sunday, click here. Cash and credit/debit cards will be the preferred method of payment for purchases.
The event is always held indoors, so the weather won't be an issue. Food and drink vendors have been present at the event in past years, so you should be able to grab some lunch or dinner if you wish.
The Magic Valley Gem Club Rock & Gem Show is this Saturday and Sunday from 10 A.M to 4 P.M. at the Twin Falls County Fairgrounds in Filer. Have fun!