You knew it would happen eventually. Jackpot, Nevada is now featured in a video game. Thanks to American Truck Simulator, our friends in Jackpot are now immortalized in virtual history.

What is American Truck Simulator? It's the latest release from SCS Software who are veterans at making truck driving fun. They are mainly famous for their highly-rated Euro Truck Simulator 2. But, now they have invaded good ole America. So far, only California and Nevada are included in the game, but plans are for the entire US eventually.

The goal of the game is to successfully deliver loads from one city to another and eventually buy your own truck, start your own company and maybe even hire drivers to drive for you.

You would be amazed how relaxing it is to deliver bananas to Elko.

As you'll see in the video, only a teeny tiny bit of the real Jackpot is in the game. But, it's still eerie to drive past the casinos that are obviously mimicking the real ones there.

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