I hate going shopping. When we announced the new stores for the Canyon Park West shopping center in Twin Falls I could feel the money draining from my already empty wallet. Now I also need to get creative and come up with valid excuses to not go shopping with my wife so I don't have to lie to her. Because I know that with these new stores she'll want me to go with her to 'check them out'. Which actually means I will walk around while she tries on stuff and asks what I think. She'll also try to get me to buy a new shirt or pants for myself. There will come a time when I will just plain lie and say it looks fantastic, just so we can be done shopping! I am not the only guy who does this and a new survey by Daily Mail reveals that the ladies know we lie to them while shopping - yet they still make us go and ask us our opinions! Ladies - you are too hard to understand, and yes you look great in those sweat pants.

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