Magic Valley Festival Of Giving Announces New Home For 2020
Christmas was less than two months ago, even though it seems like much longer, and there are only 311 days until Christmas comes again. Christmas may not be on your mind anymore and seems like a distant memory, but we have excited new about Christmas 2020 in the Magic Valley. For the last few years, the Magic Valley Festival of Giving has been happening at the Fleur de Lis Ranch but the location will be changing this year.
The new home of the Magic Valley Festival of Giving will be the Fieldhouse & Event Center LLC in downtown Twin Falls at 302 3rd Avenue South.
Christmas this year in the Magic Valley is going to be a little different with the new location for the event. Last year, thanks to community members, the Magic Valley Festival of Giving raised more that $250,000 to help local charities and non-profit organizations.
For the first time in my recent memory, my house was free of Christmas decorations before the end of the year, so maybe that is why it seems like such a long time ago to me. There are still a few houses on my street that have Christmas lights up and one of them still turns them on each night. I'm fine with that, Christmas lights are pretty and it is too cold to go out now and pull them down.