BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho wildfire managers are bringing in more personnel and equipment to battle a fire south of Stanley that forced the evacuation of Redfish Lake campers and guests at a historic lodge. The fire has burned less than a square mile of lodgepole pine and brush.

At one point, the fire burned to the border of a state fish hatchery and a nearby subdivision, but no structures were damaged. The cause of the fire is under investigation. It began Monday. Shortly after the fire started, forest officials evacuated campgrounds on the lake's southern edge and guests at the Redfish Lake Lodge.

Fire spokeswoman Linda Steinhaus says the lodge and campgrounds were not immediately threatened. Wildfires are also burning near Challis, Shoshone, Lowman, Post Falls and in the mountains northeast of Boise.

Meanwhile about 10 major wildfires are actively burning in central and southern Idaho, covering more than 28,000 acres. KTVB reportsThe two largest fires are the Papoose Fire burning west of Salmon, Idaho and the Brown Butte Fire burning northeast of Shoshone, Idaho. Each of these fires has torched over 7,000 acres.

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