This seems about as safe as when doctors used to treat headaches with mercury and heroin, but the FDA approved it, so who knows:    If you’re sick of ruining shirts with sweat stains, a new procedure will fix the problem, by blasting your armpits with radiation.

It’s called miraDry, and it’s for people who suffer from excessive perspiration.  The procedure gives a dose of microwave energy to your armpits.  It takes two treatments, about three months apart.

It supposedly kills off between 22,000 and 30,000 sweat glands, and it reduces sweat output by an average of 82%.  Tests show that the procedure is effective in 90% of patients.

The procedure costs about $3,000, and it lasts for about a year. Of course, you could just put your pits in the microwave, although I wouldn’t recommend it.

miraDry claims that it’s completely safe. However, I think I will refrain from nuking my armpits.

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