There were certainly a lot of big moments in football in 2011, but only one man can claim ownership of  the best of the year.

Tim Tebow.

Tebow transcended sports this year. Never before has a quarterback become such a sensation without even proving himself on the field, but Broncos fans called for him and they got him. The only one who didn’t seem to be on board with Tebow mania was the man who lost his job because of him, Kyle Orton.

The Denver Broncos started off the 2011 season in disappointing fashion. On the sidelines, though, lay a weapon that they were just waiting to unleash. The Tebow chants began coming out of the stands. At first the Broncos coaching staff were adamant on sticking with Kyle Orton, but after four losses in the first five weeks with Orton at the helm they decided to make a change. Enter Tim Tebow.

Week after week this guy was making headlines. He started an internet trend where people would show off their “Tebowing” skills all over the place and take pictures. Heck, there’s an entire website dedicated to it. Comeback win after comeback win, it seemed like Tebow couldn’t be stopped. Then all the debates began — is Tim Tebow a good QB, or is he just lucky?

Like him or not, Tim Tebow was the biggest thing in the NFL this year — bigger than the Packers undefeated streak and bigger than Drew Brees and his pursuit of the single-season passing record. Tim Tebow was the NFL in 2011.

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