Nikki Sixx Promises ‘All Hell Would Rain Down’ on Anyone Attempting a Motley Crue Reunion
On the eve of what's being billed as Mötley Crüe's last-ever concert performance, Nikki Sixx is sharing some of his best advice regarding how to make it in the music biz — and another stern warning for anyone who still believes the band might someday make it back out on tour.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a fair portion of Sixx's tips for aspiring musicians — collected in this recent Forbes article — hinge on the old-fashioned adage that a penny saved is a penny earned. "Artists do things that are not becoming to them because they run out of money," he's quoted as saying. "So, take 20 percent of everything you make – if you have a dollar, take 20 cents and that is gone forever. Until you are at least 50, you don’t ever touch it!"
And when he says "don't ever touch it," Sixx really means it. "Live on the street and be homeless before you touch that money. It will give you attrition that you are able to make the right decision for yourself," he added. "It isn’t just for artists. I suggest it will allow you to not have to do things that you are ashamed of, and that in the end is really what money is about, the freedom to be honorable – and if you can figure that out, you will never do anything you are embarrassed by."
Of course, as anyone who's been to a Mötley Crüe show is aware, their concerts don't exactly skimp on expenses, and Sixx admitted the band sometimes goes into the red in the name of delivering a memorable performance. "A lot of times the gross is nowhere near the net," he said. "If we were to go out with just an amp line and not put on a show, our net would be so much higher – but we think the fan experience would be so much lower."
As Sixx sees it, it's all part of a philosophy that keeps an eye on the bottom line without losing sight of the fact that it's the music that matters. "It has always been about songwriting and lyrics and live performances – and then the money comes from that," he continued. "Sometimes our economy is booming and it’s bucketloads, and other times it’s pennies. It is a penny business."
With that in mind, Sixx has taken care to diversify, starting a sideline job as a radio host while branching out with his new band, Sixx:A.M. — which will command his complete focus once Mötley Crüe wraps up Dec. 31. Asked once again if there was any possibility of the group going back on its word, Sixx made it clear in no uncertain terms that he has no interest in seeing that happen.
"It would be over my dead body," Sixx said. "All hell would rain down on any lawyers or promoters or anyone out there who thinks they are going to go sneaking around it. Dignity is the most important thing."
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