No Idahoan Should Have To Grieve Through The Holidays
WARNING: This article consists of a sensitive topic and could be a trigger for some that have dealt with loss recently or in the past. Read with caution, and be prepared for possible triggers, if you continue reading.
Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. The gifts, the lights, the music, it all makes for a joyful time. People give to feel good and receive things that make them feel good. There is so much to enjoy about the holidays, but there is also a part of the holidays that many people deal with every year, but very few talk about.
Holidays Can Bring Grief From The Loss of Loved Ones
Spending time with family is the best part of the holidays, as for some it is the one time of year they get together. It brings joy to many, but it can bring heartache and grief as well. With the pandemic taking place for almost the last two years, many families have lost loved ones in the last year or two. The holidays are a reminder of who isn't there this year and can lead to a rough holiday season for some.
People Can Relate to Your Loss
Even if your loss hasn't occurred recently, the holidays serve as a reminder a lot of times for people. My family has had a few losses in the last few years, and no matter how much time passes, the holidays always bring up the reminder that someone is missing. This will be the first holiday without my grandpa and it is tough to know he isn't here, as well as family members that were lost last year, it is a reminder and isn't any easier this year. It is important to recognize the signs of the grievance and to not let it lead to depression.
Seek Help For Grief, Depression, or Anxiety
For anyone dealing with grief, depression, or anxiety through the holidays, there is help out there. There are sites like Talkspace as well as Betterhelp for those that need therapy and need someone to talk to. If the grief and depression through the holidays get so bad that you consider harming yourself, please contact the suicide hotline at 800-273-8255 or visit the suicide prevention website.

If you have dealt with loss in the last year or a few years and not having them for the holidays this year is tough, make sure to confide in a therapist, a friend, or a family member. The holidays should be a time of joy, not sorrow. It is ok to remember and be sad, but also to make sure to enjoy the holiday season and the friends and family around you. Seek help if needed, and make sure to take care of yourself. You are not alone, as many of us are dealing with the same emotions and feelings this time of year. Let's try to have a happy holiday season and Merry Christmas as we remember them.
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