RECAP: One Year Ago COVID-19 Pandemic Changes Twin Falls
I reached a milestone over the weekend in this pandemic: I have now been working from home for a full year. On March 13, 2020 the pandemic was rearing its ugly head and COVID-19 became a reality for me. Since that day, a lot has obviously happened and a lot of what I thought was going to happen didn't. One thing that is still the same - I'm still working at home doing my radio show from the comfort of my closet studio and writing stories at my home computer. I'm also still constantly distracted by my very near fridge and pantry.
I did just find something very interesting though on my desk. I have a paper from the first few weeks of the pandemic where I had been keeping track of all the cancellations and closings across the Magic Valley and the nation. It's nice to see that many of the events and businesses affected one year ago by closures are now able to operate in some way again. It was also one year ago this week that my wife did her first panic buy at the grocery store. Check out some pictures below:
RECAP: Pandemic Begins 1 Year Ago
Look at that first picture. These were the things that we were concerned about. Tom Hanks had just tested positive for the virus and that's when we all realized this was a real thing. If it could get Tom it could get anyone. At the beginning of the shutdown, there was optimism. Disneyland planned to shutdown for just a month and sports went from planning to play with no audience to scrapping entire seasons. St. Patrick's Day event were cancelled across the world and it looks like, according to my notes, Kimberly was among the first schools to close.
It has been a wild year with ups and downs along with moments of joy and sadness. 2021 does seems to be looking better so keep your fingers crossed and your hand clean.
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