
Miss Idaho And Nate Ice Bucket Callenge
Miss Idaho And Nate Ice Bucket Callenge
Miss Idaho And Nate Ice Bucket Callenge
The ice bucket challenge has been running wild like my kids at WalMart - it's everywhere! And I think it is great. Whether everyone donates or not - the videos are raising money and a ton of awareness about ALS.
The Cold Burns Calories?
The Cold Burns Calories?
The Cold Burns Calories?
So - the groundhog saw his shadow and we are in for another 6 weeks of winter. But rather than be sad about the cold, you should be happy because all that shivering you will do could help you lose weight! How many calories does shivering burn?
How Cold Is America?
How Cold Is America?
How Cold Is America?
We have been pretty lucky so far this winter - since we don't live in the North East and haven't had to deal with a Polar Vortex! We haven't had sub-zero temperatures or even very many days of frosted windows. So how cold is it really in America?
Does Your Dog Need A Coat
Does Your Dog Need A Coat
Does Your Dog Need A Coat
I often find myself mocking the celebs on the red carpet or a club with their little doggy in a coat and handbag that probably cost more than my car - but for some dogs, when its cold, a coat is a good idea.