
Handling Holidays After Divorce
Handling Holidays After Divorce
Handling Holidays After Divorce
One of the toughest aspects of my post-divorce life has been holidays. Everything looks and feels different now and it is in these moments that I find myself longing for my family unit, but I've learned great lessons along the way.
8 Things To Never Say To Someone Who’s Divorced
8 Things To Never Say To Someone Who’s Divorced
8 Things To Never Say To Someone Who’s Divorced
It's been two years since my husband of 15 years packed up his stuff and left this house and a year and a half since I got the papers in the mail saying all those hopes and dreams were over and I officially became a single person. Here are 8 things you probably shouldn't say if you encounter someone who is newly divorced.
Life After Divorce
Life After Divorce
Life After Divorce
Boomer here -- and something happened last night that was too good not to share!  I was out to eat with a friend and noticed the server who I found both attractive and funny.
Free Trip To Mars
Free Trip To Mars
Free Trip To Mars
There is a company that is sending people to Mars to die! I don't know what is more surprising - that so many people signed up for this or that all the applicants aren't living in their parent's basement? This story just came out from one of the finalist for the trip - the guy is getting divorced so he can go to Mars!

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