
Would You Camp At This Haunted Idaho Campground?
Would You Camp At This Haunted Idaho Campground?
Would You Camp At This Haunted Idaho Campground?
Lots of Idahoans look forward to camping every year. It's a way to spend quality one-on-one time with your family and truly enjoy Idaho's beauty. However, there are things to be aware of when camping.
Is Pocatello High School Haunted?
Is Pocatello High School Haunted?
Is Pocatello High School Haunted?
If you are from the Pocatello area, I would love your opinion on this. According to Only In You State and this YouTube video, Pocatello High School is haunted.
Is The Albion College Haunted?
Is The Albion College Haunted?
Is The Albion College Haunted?
Before the Albion College was the Haunted Mansions of Albion, it was just an old abandoned college. A college that some locals would say is haunted!
Haunted Idaho
Haunted Idaho
Haunted Idaho
Most of us enjoy a good scare. That's why we go to haunted houses, BASE jump, whitewater kayak, and ride scary roller coasters. There is an amount of joy that comes from being terrified and then in the end realizing you are fine.