Whether you’re planning a quick spring break trip or are looking ahead to a longer summer vacation, one of the oldest amusement parks in the country is road trip worthy!
2023’s going to be an exciting year at the park! While you countdown to opening day, here's a look at some of the times you've seen Lagoon on your screen without even realizing it!
Rumors about the ride coaster enthusiasts call "Steel Roller Coaster 1" have been circulating for nearly five years. Its strange appearance continues to raise questions!
I love going to Lagoon and some of my favorite rides are Cannibal, Wicked, Colossus, Rattlesnake Rapids, and Roller Coaster (which just turned 100 years old).
While I plan to go to Lagoon or Roaring Springs this year, there is still a chance I won't feel comfortable taking my family into that type of social situation.
I recently took a vacation to Coeur d'Alene. We loved our rental on the river. The kayaks enjoyed the change in scenery. Oh look, there's Silverwood. My husband and I are both big amusement park fans and never miss a chance to get our coaster on.