
Is Twin Falls One Of The Laziest Cities In The US?
Is Twin Falls One Of The Laziest Cities In The US?
Is Twin Falls One Of The Laziest Cities In The US?
This is no surprise to me. Twin Falls is not on the list of the laziest cities. Makes sense to me. Last time I checked farming was hard work! In case you want to be surrounded by lazy people here is a list of places, according to, you could consider moving to.
Do You Call/Text People In Your House So You Don’t Have To Get Up
Do You Call/Text People In Your House So You Don’t Have To Get Up
Do You Call/Text People In Your House So You Don’t Have To Get Up
When I was a kid and I needed something from another room in the house I either got up and got it or I yelled really loud to get someone to bring it to me. Later in life we got an intercom system which made us yell less, but we still had to get up to use it. Now - kids are even lazier! Instead of moving their body at all, they are now calling or texting from their smart phones!