
No-No's For Summer Fashion
No-No's For Summer Fashion
No-No's For Summer Fashion
Summer is on the way and chances are you have already worn shorts and flip flops this year. You would think that getting ready for looking good in the sun would be easy. How can you go wrong? You just put on some sunscreen, a swim suit and sandals, and a light t-shirt - right? Wrong!
10 Movie Plot Holes That Will Blow Your Mind
10 Movie Plot Holes That Will Blow Your Mind
10 Movie Plot Holes That Will Blow Your Mind
As children we are expected to sit and watch movies and just accept the fact that they are a movie and move on. But what about the movies that had gaping holes in the plot? Do the producers really think that no kid will notice this stuff? Below is a list of movies with plot holes so big you could fit an entire jumbo popcorn in with room for candy and a soda.