
Check Out an Amazing Panoramic Photo of Mars
Check Out an Amazing Panoramic Photo of Mars
Check Out an Amazing Panoramic Photo of Mars
The internet has been having a lot of fun with the Mars Curiosity Rover landing. There were a whole bunch of memes. And, of course, there’s mohawk guy Bobak Ferdowsi, who’s successfully bridged the gap between geek and punk. But the real fun is going to begin when we start to getting hold of more of the photos and videos Curiosity is going to beam back to earth.
Would You Like A Space Shuttle In Twin Falls
Would You Like A Space Shuttle In Twin Falls
Would You Like A Space Shuttle In Twin Falls
The space shuttle program is over and the shuttles have been retired...or bought by somebody with disposable income. One of the Shuttles is heading to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. If the Magic Valley was going to be the final resting place for a space shuttle, where would you put it?
Grandma Raided in NASA Sting For Trying to Sell Moon Rock
Grandma Raided in NASA Sting For Trying to Sell Moon Rock
Grandma Raided in NASA Sting For Trying to Sell Moon Rock
NASA officials recovered a tiny piece of a moon rock in a raid targeting a 74-year-old woman who tried to sell it at a California Denny’s restaurant. The raid was the result of a five month investigation into the missing lunar material that netted a “speck of lunar dust smaller than a grain of rice.”
Watch The Final Launch Of Space Shuttle Endeavor
Watch The Final Launch Of Space Shuttle Endeavor
Watch The Final Launch Of Space Shuttle Endeavor
NASA’s space shuttle Endeavour punched through a veil of clouds this morning, making its 25th and final ascent into space after technicians quickly repaired damage to its heat shield. Endeavour was first launched 19 years ago this May. In early July, space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to make its final flight, closing out NASA’s space shuttle program.
Shrinking Funds Shut Down Alien Search Institute
Shrinking Funds Shut Down Alien Search Institute
Shrinking Funds Shut Down Alien Search Institute
Since 2007, astronomers at the SETI Institute in Northern California have been scanning the great beyond for signs of alien life. However, due to a decrease in the funding the institute receives from NASA and other government sources, the institute will have to shut down the powerful bank of 42 radio dishes that it uses to target unexplored planets.
New Earth-Like Planets Discovered
New Earth-Like Planets Discovered
New Earth-Like Planets Discovered
NASA unveiled more proof that we may not be alone. A new planetary system, Kepler-11, has been discovered with rocky planets much like our own solar system. This system, approximately 2,000 light years from Earth, was discovered using NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope and is re-writing the rules of astrophysics.
NASA Ranks the Most (and Least) Realistic Sci-Fi Films
NASA Ranks the Most (and Least) Realistic Sci-Fi Films
NASA Ranks the Most (and Least) Realistic Sci-Fi Films
A helmeted robot lands a flying saucer in a park in Washington, D.C. Dinosaurs freely roam a small isle off of Costa Rica. The Mayan calendar accurately predicts the fiery end of the world. Are the plots of sci-fi movies really that far-fetched? Of course they are. But NASA, whose space engineers are apparently also sci-fi movie buffs, has compiled a list of the most — and least — realistic scienc