
Idaho Hate Groups
Idaho Hate Groups
Idaho Hate Groups
It's not all potatoes and unicorn hugs in our great state. Honestly I'm surprised that there are any actual 'hate groups' in Idaho at all. Sure, there are angry and hateful people all around us, but these are actual organized groups of hate.
Its Holocaust Remembrance Day, And Germany Is Our Favorite Foreign Country
Its Holocaust Remembrance Day, And Germany Is Our Favorite Foreign Country
Its Holocaust Remembrance Day, And Germany Is Our Favorite Foreign Country
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is a day to stop and remember not only the victims and their families, but also the atrocities that occurred and how to keep that from happening again. In an interesting and ironic coincidence a recent survey of Americans reveals that our favorite foreign country is now Germany.  Which, as you might remember, was the country we had to stop from destroying the