Robert Plant

‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Classic Rock Station Features Bob Seger, Robert Plant + More
‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Classic Rock Station Features Bob Seger, Robert Plant + More
‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Classic Rock Station Features Bob Seger, Robert Plant + More
Bob Seger and Robert Plant are two of the 23 artists who make up the playlist of the classic rock station found in the 'Grand Theft Auto V' video game. And there's probably a lot of people listening to those songs right now, since the game earned over $800 million in sales on its Sept. 17 release day, the most successful first-day figure in history.
Robert Plant Joins Social Media
Robert Plant Joins Social Media
Robert Plant Joins Social Media
In recent years, Robert Plant has shown more of an interest in exploring the roots and sounds of traditional music. But that doesn't mean he's forgotten about the 21st century, and he's proving it with a newly beefed-up online presence.
Robert Plant Hints At 2014 Led Zeppelin Reunion
Robert Plant Hints At 2014 Led Zeppelin Reunion
Robert Plant Hints At 2014 Led Zeppelin Reunion
Rock’s immortal “Golden God,” Robert Plant recently sat down for a revealing interview with the Australian edition of ’60 Minutes,’ which saw him hint at the possibility of a Led Zeppelin reunion next year. The video of the segment, which aired this past Friday (Feb. 15), is embedded below.