TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – If you’re finding it difficult to meet your heating bills this winter, don’t worry too much – there is help.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – Those who need help meeting their home heating costs may not want to delay contacting South Central Community Action Partnership for federal assistance. The agency found out Wednesday that the program, due to financial projections, will shut down early this year.
If you say the words "free" and "BBQ", you are guaranteed to have our attention. South Central Community Action Partnership has both of those words as part of their 10th annual event set for Saturday, September 17. Jenny and Jackie from SCCAP gave us more details on what is planned.
Sure summer may be about over, but the fun events and free BBQ isn't! The 10th annual Community Partnerships in Action and Community Awareness event with free BBQ is coming to the Twin Falls City Park.
McCash For Kids was a huge success again this year, thanks to you. During our live broadcasts Monday, July 18 from 5 to 8 pm, McDonald's donated 25% of their proceeds to the South Central Community Action Partnership. This years total has just been announced and it's bigger than ever.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – If you've been wanting to do a good deed lately, there might be something in it for you – such as reduced fines – at the Twin Falls Public Library.
McCash For Kids is set for Monday, July 18 at McDonalds locations around the Magic Valley. Between 5 and 8 pm on that day, 25% of all proceeds at those McDonalds will benefit the South Central Community Action Partnership. In turn, they provide assistance with school supplies for Magic Valley families that need it.
South Central Community Action Partnership has an Empty Bowls event set for Tuesday, February 9. Please note there is a new location for the event this year as it will be at Canyon Crest Dining and Event Center at 330 Canyon Crest Dr in Twin Falls.
This Saturday join us for the 16th Annual '60 Hours To Fight Hunger'. We'll be at Smith's on Addison in Twin from 1-3pm. Goal this year is to collect 2,000 turkeys, canned food, and cash donations.
Join South Central Community Action Partnership for their free event “Embracing The Community” on Saturday, September 19th from 11am to 3pm at Twin Falls City Park. This event is completely free!
The 2015 Empty Bowls Dinner Fundraiser is an international project to fight hunger and it's coming to Twin Falls this month! Oh and the theme this year is Mardi Gras!