
Is the Celebrity Tweet Becoming the New ‘Autograph’?
Is the Celebrity Tweet Becoming the New ‘Autograph’?
Is the Celebrity Tweet Becoming the New ‘Autograph’?
Social media has the changed the world in so many ways, there’s hardly anybody that hasn’t experienced its impact, no matter how big or small. Twitter in particular has opened doors to celebrities that us commoners never imagined. Why wait for a star outside a restaurant in Beverly Hills to get a scribbled autograph when you could just get a shout-out from them on Twitter? And it has worked for ma
France Bans Terms ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ From Radio and TV
France Bans Terms ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ From Radio and TV
France Bans Terms ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ From Radio and TV
The French government is notorious for banning the use of English words as a way of maintaining French language and culture. However, a recent ruling by the French government, which now makes it illegal to speak the words "Facebook" or "Twitter" on television or radio newscasts, isn't as shocking as you might think.
Best of the #BlamePalin Tweets
Best of the #BlamePalin Tweets
Best of the #BlamePalin Tweets
The Arizona shootings have ignited a national discussion about whether an inflammatory image on Sarah Palin's website inspired killer Jared Lee Loughner. There's no evidence that supports the allegation, but the Twittersphere decided to make Palin the scapegoat for just about everything else and the hashtag #blamepalin was everywhere. Below, some of our favorite #blamepalin tweets: