Twin Falls Performers Explain What The Vagina Monologues are REALLY About (WATCH)
The Vagina Monologues will be presented at CSI Fine Arts Center on March 17 and 18. By the name of the show, you may have a preconception of what you think it's about. If you've never seen it, you may be wrong.
The directors and many performers from The Vagina Monologues stopped by our radio studios to talk about the purpose of why this is important to the Twin Falls community.
Directors Sergio Larios and Liyah Babayan described how this performance came about.
Sergio: The Vagina Monologues is based on a set of interviews by Eve Ensler who went around interviewing countless amounts of women from different backgrounds and she compiled all those interviews into what is known as The Vagina Monologues...What we're doing with the show is we're bringing it to a local stage using many of our local women who are not involved in theater.
With a show having that name, there will be misconceptions about what it's about. Liyah explains.
Liyah: Another misconception I've come across, working on the show for a couple years and being a part of it, is that it's a show for women...very much so this production is completely opposite of that. It acknowledges the need for both parties to be healthy in a relationship.
While the name may cause concern about potential vulgar subject matter, that's not the reality of what the show is really about. It's designed to raise awareness about domestic violence, rape and other terrible issues women face with the goal of empowering them to a better future.
Proceeds from this local performance will hopefully help provide the funds for a location on the CSI campus where anyone facing these types of challenges can go for help.
For more information, check out the Facebook event page.