Why Idaho May Not be the Best Place if Expecting a Baby
There are many different types of joy in life, but nothing compares to the joy of having a child and holding it for the first time. Hearing it cry, feeling the warmth, and watching them grow are some of the best moments a person can feel. Many people dream of being parents and for those that get to be one, one of the best times is when your child is a baby. There is a reason it is called baby fever and not toddler fever, child fever, or teenager fever. They are easy to fall in love with and their innocence is something that lasts for too short of a time. When it comes to having babies it is painful and emotional, and there can also be complications. It is not always an easy path, and depending on where you live can determine what kind of care you get. Some states are better to live in for babies, while others aren't up to par. How does Idaho compare and which states are the best for having babies?
The Best and Worst States for Having Babies
Having babies can be expensive, and there is a lot that goes into the 9 month long processes. A List recently released by WalletHub ranked the states from best to worst for having babies. The four main categories they used are cost, health care, baby friendliness, and family friendliness. By using these categories, it was determined that Massachusetts is the best state to have a baby. Coming in at second is Vermont, with Rhode Island rounding out the top three. Vermont is number one in healthcare, Washington DC is number one in baby friendliness, Massachusetts is number one in family friendliness, and Ohio is number one in cost. In terms of the worst states to have a baby, Alabama was dubbed the worst, just ahead of Mississippi and South Carolina to make up the bottom three.
Is Idaho a Good Place to Have a Baby?
When it comes to the state of Idaho, we come in the bottom half, by ranking as the 28 best state to have babies. Idaho does have some positives going for it, ranking nine in cost and ten in baby friendliness. Depending on where you live, the cost of a baby can weigh down a family, so being a top ten state in cost is a nice luxury to have for locals that are expecting. Working against Idaho is that they rank 23 in health care and 34 in family friendliness. Between the two, baby friendliness seems like where you would rather be ranked higher. Health care may not be the best, but it is better than more than half the states.

Living in the worst state or the best state shouldn't affect your having children. Holding your newborn is worth the stress, the money, and the risks that come with it. Living in Idaho you can know that the cost shouldn't be as bad as in other states. If you are thinking about having a baby soon, you may not be in the best place, but if it's where you want to raise your child, then it's the best place for you. Click the link above if you want to see the full list broken down.
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