Would You Own A Boat In Idaho That Looked Like A UFO
I have to start off by saying that yes I would like to own a boat that looked like an alien boat because really, I just want to own a boat.
Over the last few weeks we have had quite a few stories about aliens and UFO activity in Idaho. We now know that Idaho has some of the highest amounts of reported UFO activity in the skies and Twin Falls has seen more than it's due share of supposed extra terrestrial visits.
This is a 'UFO' sighting that would be a lot less scary and more intriguing. There is a boat in planning stages from Jet Capsule that is just a really odd looking houseboat. It looks like an alien UFO. It is also really cool. It has all the benefits of a boat above the water but there is also an observation level below the water that allows passengers to see what is under the water. Though I think in most Idaho lakes you wouldn't get far before hitting something and probably sinking your UFO boat...or you might see something too scary for words in Dierkes.
You also have to be pretty dedicated to one spot or have a lot of money since the boats have to be transported by helicopter. I guess I'll keep searching the classifieds for cheap boats with no alien connections.
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