You could live in Twin Falls your entire life and still find surprises on your adventures. I've only lived here for a little over a decade and one of the latest surprises I saw was on the Canyon Rim. If you walk the trail on the Twin Falls side between the Twin Falls Visitor Center and the Canyon Park West Shopping Center behind Dick's Sporting Goods there is a fence that lines the trail. Part of that fence is wood, some parts are rock, and other parts are metal wire. On one section of the wire fence, people have been placing locks around the links and supposedly throwing the key into the canyon. Reasons range from hoping for wishes granted to expressions of love. It seems like this started happening back in 2014 according to Idaho Bucketlist. One thing is for sure that it looks really cool. It also looks really dangerous.

Fence Of Locks

In fact, it's original location has become very dangerous. Since the weight of the locks on the fence was so heavy it caused the section of fence to topple over into the canyon! You can see in the pictures above that one section of fence was already pretty unstable even without the locks. After the section fell they tried to block off the area with caution tape but even that has torn and tattered. Now people are beginning to place their locks on a section of wire fence further up the trail. You can see what that looks like in the final picture of the gallery above.

This isn't the first time the fence has had issues. In comments on Facebook from 2015, about a year after locks started showing up, vandals knocked the fence over. It was then, again according to Facebook comments, moved by residents to the Jerome side and a new section was put up on the Twin Falls side. Has anyone been to the Jerome site to see if it is still or actually there with the old locks?

FaceBook Love Locks
FaceBook Love Locks

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