KING HILL, Idaho -- Thieves struck a construction site near King Hill and stole more than $25,000 worth of industrial cable, according the the Elmore County Sheriff's Office. Deputies were dispatched to a Western Construction job site near exit 129 along Interstate 84 early Monday morning. The wire that was stolen is black and unique in size. The wire is used for industrial work to run heavy equipment. Officials estimate replacing the wire and damage to equipment exceeds $50,000. Deputies are asking for the public's help in locating the thieves. As deer season comes to a close, they say a hunter may have come across a truck pulling a trailer or seen a truck with a large amount of black wire. Anyone who was in the area of exit 129 off I-84 between Nov. 10 and the morning of Nov. 12, and observed any suspicious activity, is urged to call the Elmore County Sheriff's Office at 208-573-5946. Western Construction is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the persons responsible for this crime.

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