There are a lot of useless and annoying things that happen on Facebook. But there is one game going on right now that I actually like. It has been extremely interesting to find out new things about the people you thought you knew. Do you like the random facts game on Facebook?

How it works is you comment on a post from someone where they listed their random or little known facts about themselves. Then they assign you a number and that is how many facts you have to post about yourself. I haven't done it on Facebook yet, so I'll do it here. Below are 7 random facts about me.


  1. In High School I was driving and got into a car accident where I ended up going through the windshield - at least that is what I was told since I have no recollection of the time leading up to the accident until I woke up in the hospital. Always wear your seat belts kids!
  2. I have never broken a bone in my body (despite #1)...but some days it feels like I have!
  3. I lived in Ecuador for 2 years.
  4. My first car was a 1995 Honda Civic and since then, I have always owned a 1995 Honda Civic. I will probably always own one...since after 18 years of break downs and modifications I know how to fix this car!
  5. When we adopted our son Chad - we had no idea that Kat was already pregnant with Sophi. Now they are basically living like twins.
  6. I would rather play video games on the Nintendo 64 than any current gaming system, and I will spend late hours and miss sleep whenever I get the chance to play with friends and family.
  7. I hate vegetables. I have never eaten a salad and the smell of broccoli makes me sick.

Now you know! I like this game. I have learned a lot about my friends that I didn't know. Will you post your random facts below?

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