
These Rescuers Go Too Far
These Rescuers Go Too Far
These Rescuers Go Too Far
The Summer heat is winding down a bit and we haven't heard about a child or pet death in a hot car for a while - which is great news. But that doesn't mean we are in the clear because the moment we let our guard down it cold happen again.
Mother Arrested For This?!
Mother Arrested For This?!
Mother Arrested For This?!
I know times have changed - but when I was a kid I would leave the house in the morning and not come home sometimes until dinner. Apparently today that is child endangerment! Recently a mother was arrested for letting her 7 year old son go to the park alone.
Strangers Save Kids In Hot Car
Strangers Save Kids In Hot Car
Strangers Save Kids In Hot Car
Some people just aren't getting it! If it is hot outside - it is much hotter in a parked car. In Texas a mom left her kids in the car so she could go get her hair done without being bothered by pesky little kids. Some random strangers saw the kids and since it is Texas and hot - they broke the windows to the car so they could rescue the kids!
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.
Bullied Child Charged In Court
Bullied Child Charged In Court
Bullied Child Charged In Court
I hate bullying. I feel that any chance we get to end it should be taken - which make this story beyond ridiculous. A bullied child was threatened with a felony charge of wiretapping for recording his bullies while they were picking on him.
Signs You Haven't Grown Up
Signs You Haven't Grown Up
Signs You Haven't Grown Up
At some point in our life we will look back and think about our childhood. Some of us will see the same person we are today because we are always going to be immature. Here are the top 7 signs that you haven't grown up yet.
Do You Have A Plan For Your Kids If They Get Lost?
Do You Have A Plan For Your Kids If They Get Lost?
Do You Have A Plan For Your Kids If They Get Lost?
Father Of The Year Award goes to me for this one! Yesterday my wife had a doctors appointment so I took the two babies in the car to get the two big kids from the bus stop. The bus stop is maybe 100 yards from our front door, so it isn't a big deal to have the kids walk - except there is usually a big dog on the loose and it was really cold and windy (plus it started snowing) so I thought it would
Twin Falls Reacts To Connecticut Shootings
Twin Falls Reacts To Connecticut Shootings
Twin Falls Reacts To Connecticut Shootings
Today was straight out of a nightmare that began as many of us had just dropped our kids off for school. Early this morning we received news that  26 people had been killed and that 18 of them were kids! I talk for a living...and as I sit here - I don't know what to say.
It Is Take Your Child To Work Day Today
I don't know when this day started being observed, but I always imagine it being a disaster! If you are a cop or a firefighter, that could end up scary for the kid! If you are a teacher...what's the point, you take them out of school to go to school with you?