
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Get a Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming
We know -- the first thing we thought when we saw this was "who draws that well on white board" too! Once we got over that, we realized we should actually be paying attention to what this guy's saying. It's a step by step guide from asapScience to achieving lucid dreams -- dreams you are cognizant of and can control...
Many Adults Have Trouble Deciphering Science From Fiction
According to a new survey, a ridiculous amount of people don't know the difference between science fiction and reality.  The survey found that 50% of adults believe the mind erasing device from "Men In Black" exists . . . 40% believe hoverboards exist . . . 25% believe teleportation exists . . . and more than 20% believe that light sabers exist.