DIET - it is definitely an evil 4 letter word! Nobody likes to diet. Some people like to eat healthy and exercise, but if you are on a diet it is never good or fun. Even worse is when you think about how much of your life you will spend dieting!

According to a new survey, if you add up the amount of time the average person spends on a diet, it comes out to about FOURTEEN YEARS of their life.  That's a LOT of time to spend eating lettuce and Diet Coke for dinner.

--About 33% of women and 25% of men say they constantly start diets, but quickly give up on them.  Boredom with diet food is the main reason people quit diets . . . a lack of discipline is number two.

--A second survey found that for about HALF of the women currently dieting, the thing that pushed them to start was seeing an unattractive photo of themselves on Facebook.

--And the average woman who goes on a diet because of a bad Facebook photo loses 14 pounds.  That's about the same amount of weight a woman loses after being DUMPED.

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