Recently the concrete in front of the Twin Falls City Park bandshell became a canvas for creative chalk art.

Chalk Art At The City Park

The chalk art was created on Thursday of last week during the weekly concert by the Twin Falls Municipal Band. There is a variety of art types and subjects from gaming characters to abstract. Some of the art is even marked with a name so we know who created it.

Chalk Art At Twin Falls City Park

Recently the concrete in front of the Twin Falls City Park bandshell became a canvas for creative chalk art during a concert by the Twin Falls Municipal Band.

Why Was The Chalk Art Created

Every Thursday during the Summer, the Twin Falls Municipal Band performs a concert at the city park. Sometimes the concerts have musical themes and often those themes carry over to the crowd. If the theme is summer music, the crowd can come dressed for the beach and since the theme last week had to do with art and media, which included music from movies and video games, allowing the crowd to create art was fitting.

When Are The Twin Falls Municipal Band Concerts

The next concert will be Thursday at 7:30 at the Twin Falls City Park and all municipal band concerts are free to the public. Twin Falls Rotary is usually there selling treats and drinks to raise money for future community projects and events.

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