A few days ago we were stumped for dinner ideas and everything we had in our house seemed like something we had just had. We were burned out on what we had in the pantry and freezer and really needed to get out of the house. So we decided we would go fishing and the kids could catch their dinner.

Fishing In Idaho

Luckily we picked a good spot and were able to catch enough big fish to make for a nice meal. Sadly, if this were centuries ago I would have starved. Everyone caught fish except me.

Idaho Tagged Fish

What To Do If You Catch A Fish With An Orange Tag In Idaho

We were extra surprised to catch a fish with an orange tag attached to the back fin. At first, we thought it was one of those fish that had been caught already and got away with the person's tackle. Once we looked at it and talked to a guy fishing a few yards away from us, we realized we had an opportunity to win a prize maybe.

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When we got home we entered the tag info on the Idaho Fish and Game website and found that our tagged fish was not a reward fish. Our tag only had numbers on it and the reward fish will actually have the word 'reward' on the tag.

How To Find Out If A Tagged Fish Is Worth Money

After filling out the tag information we were informed that we had the option to receive info about the origin of the fish. We could learn when it had been placed in the lake, and how big it was when they tagged it. If you catch a fish with a tag you can enter the details on the Idaho Fish and Game website.

Golden Albino Rock Chuck in Snake River Canyon

Check out this rare albino rock chuck in Twin Falls.

Things We Do In Idaho That Seem Legal But Aren't

You probably think you are a perfectly law-abiding citizen in Idaho, but you might be surprised to find that some of the things you innocently do are actually illegal.

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