A Woman Crashes When She Decides To Brush Her Teeth
We all know - and have to admit it - that women are better at multitasking than men are...and they do it a lot more than guys do. This woman is lucky her insane multitasking didn't KILL HER.
--Last month, 65-year-old Cherie Davis of Blenheim, New Zealand was driving her car on a freeway and set her cruise control at 62 miles-per-hour. (--That's 100 kilometers-per-hour, if you're wondering why she picked a number like 62.)
--She needed to set the cruise control so she could . . . brush her teeth.
--As she drove and brushed her teeth, she lost control of the car . . . obviously . . . and crashed into some rocks on the side of the road.
--Amazingly, she wasn't hurt . . . and no other cars were on the road.
--When the police got there, she blew almost twice the legal limit on the breathalyzer. (--But imagine how well she must've scored on the FRESH-breathalyzer.)
--She was charged with drunk driving and careless use.
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