Casino in Talks to Come to Mountain Home
Say what?!! Gambling is not legal in these parts. I mean we have the lottery, but there isn't a casino anywhere in sight unless you go to Jackpot or Winnemucca. That may all change, because there is talk of a casino coming to Mountain Home!
The Shoshone-Bannock tribes bought 157 acres of land off of exit 95. KTVB reached out to the tribe and they said they haven't decided what they are going to do with the land. Sounds a little suspicious to me. Who buys 157 acres of land without any intent?! They did mention economic development opportunities for the tribes.
There are also questions as to whether or not this can legally happen. The article on KTVB doesn't have a clear answer as to whether you can build a casino on non-reservation land.
I guess only time will tell. Would you be happy to see a casino come to Mountain Home?
My boyfriend is a poker player and I'm not a huge fan, so this possibility does not make me happy. In fact, I just had a nightmare last night that he went and player poker and lost a ton of money! I was so mad.
Anyway, weigh in in the comments. Are you for or against a casino coming to Mountain Home and why?
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